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Monday 15 October 2012

Hello World, this is me.

Well hello world!  Welcome to my blog.  If you're wondering what a polymath is, I'd describe it, certainly when referring to myself, as a sort of 'jack of all trades'.  The question I'm always asking of course is am I, or indeed will I, ever become a master of any.....

I'm a mum of two, an 8 year-old son and a 6 year-old daughter.  I've decided that for brevity's sake they shall henceforth be referred to as SS (super son) and DD (delightful daughter).  I have a husband (HH - yes I'm in a good mood - handsome hubbie, but that could always change to 'horrid' or any other unflattering adjective beginning with H depending on the state of our maritals when I sit down to write), and 4 cats who don't really require separate identities on a blog - well not yet anyway.

By trade I'm a journalist, working mostly for one of the world's largest news organisations - I'll give you a clue; it's the bane of the Daily Mail and depending on who you believe, it either employs paedophiles or tax dodgers.  I'm relieved to say that I fall into neither category, I'm just a simple, jobbing broadcast journalist who turns up for her newsdesk shifts on time and tries to make sense of this big, bad, complex world which we inhabit.

I am in thrall to the TV goddess that is Sarah Beeny.  In fact it has been thanks to her that I started developing properties.  I love doing the planning and designing of all my property alterations and have discovered that I probably should have studied architecture all those years ago as nothing makes me happier than drawing little tiny bathrooms to scale.  I can spend whole days sitting in front of my drawing board (20 quid off ebay) with my calculator, ruler and pencils, designing a house until it looks 'right'.  I now have 4 successful developments, including a new-build that I designed from scratch, under my belt - happy days.

Talking of belts, that's another of my 'things' that I should probably mention at this stage - my habit of donning a white, baggy (some might say Hong Kong Fuey stylie) suit and going out several evenings of a week and having a fight with someone.  I've been learning Taekwon-Do for about 3 years and am slowly but surely nearing my black belt.

HH can't understand it, "why do you want to go around hitting people?" he wonders from the comfort of the sofa when I arrive home, either quite pumped up with adrenaline because it's gone well, or thoroughly deflated as a six-foot-tall black belt has got the better of me.  He won't, however, let me give it up, no matter how badly (and yes sometimes I have returned home in urgent need of an ice-pack) I've fared when sparring against a more talented individual, and let me be clear, I meet plenty of those. "Keep going darling" he soothes, still from the depths of the sofa, merlot in hand "you're so nearly there, you've got to get your black belt".  Hmmmm, not for the first time do I have a niggling suspicion that I am both male and female in this relationship and should a fire-breathing dragon appear at the door, it would be my job to defeat it.

So what else can I tell you?  I've had a few near misses in my time, the biggest probably when I was 24 and astride my pride and joy, a 500cc motorbike.  Yes reader, you've guessed it.  Young, foolish and in my head thoroughly invincible, I promptly smashed the thing up and myself with it.  But that incident, like many others has made me believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Anyway, enough.  I started my week in a rather lovely way, dropping the kids at school and meeting 4 girlfriends for breakfast and coffee before cycling home to start this blog.  Now I hear some mundane chores calling me so I must away for now.  Until next time.

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